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Our English Teaching


At Ark Academy, we know that even teaching is a learning process.


We constantly strive to learn the most up-to-date and proven methodologies for teaching. 

Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT)

Focuses on completing meaningful tasks in English. Language is acquired naturally through purposeful activities.

Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)

Emphasizes communication and real-life situations. Learners practice communicating in English for authentic purposes.

Total Physical Response (TPR)

Links new language to physical movement and response. Effective for early learning and students who struggle

Natural Approach

Prioritizes exposure, comprehension, and communication in English without force. Lowered stress environment.

Cooperative Language Learning

Students work collaboratively in small groups and teams to improve language skills.

Multiple Intelligences

Tailors instruction to different intelligences like musical, kinesthetic, logical, interpersonal, etc.

Flipped Classroom

Students preview material at home and class time is for discussion, projects.

Project-Based Learning (PBL)

Students work together to apply skills and solve realistic problems. Promotes creativity.

Blended Learning

Combines traditional classroom methods with modern technology for a personalized approach.

Our Curriculum DNA

Through innovative education leaders and public grants, we are able to leverage some of the brightest minds to help with global education initiatives. 

Here are just some of the leaders we look to and develop our curriculum from. 

Stanford University - PERTS Center

PERTS (Project for Education Research That Scales) helps educators apply evidence-based strategies in order to advance educational excellence and equity on a large scale. We believe that properly scaling educational research can empower schools to reduce inequality and create better experiences and outcomes for students and teachers alike.

Yale School of Medicine - 
Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence (YCEI)

Our goal is to design effective approaches for supporting school communities in understanding the value of emotions, teaching the skills of emotional intelligence, and building and sustaining positive emotional climates in homes, schools, and workplaces.

Harvard Graduate School of  - 
Making Caring Common Project

Our vision is a world in which children learn to care about others and the common good, treat people well day to day, come to understand and seek fairness and justice, and do what is right even at times at a cost to themselves.

Stanford AIRE Program

 AIRE is a group of experts at Stanford who are dedicated to finding the best approaches to redesigning our education systems to accommodate the coming era of robotics and artificial intelligence.

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